Clearwater Beach

By Grace Robinson

Clearwater beach is located in Clearwater, Florida and has a rich history. This beach is 2.5 miles long with white sand beaches and the Gulf of Mexico to swim in. It was ranked the number one Beach Town of 2013 by USA Today readers. Activities on the beach range from swimming and boating to shopping in the downtown areas. This beach has had much to offer since the 1920s to now. 

The beach has been a top tourist destination for the Tampa Bay Area for many years and it began to lift off in the 1920s and 30s. The 1920s was a major land boom for Florida and Clearwater beach profited greatly from it. The beach was always packed with people living there and plenty of tourists, since in the 1920s America was beginning to gain more money, more people vacationed. Due to this the 1920s and 1930s were a hit for Florida and Clearwater Beach Tourism.

Before everyone began visiting and moving to Clearwater people hardly ever visited the beach since air conditioning was not yet invented and land was so expensive from the 1900 to 1910. Before 1900 no one lived on the beach but poor immigrants and workers. The beach consisted of shacks and an occasional grocery store.

On January 14th 1897, Ernest Tate purchased the land of Clearwater beach, back then just wilderness and forests. Tate paid 200 dollars for the land grant of 194 acres. Pinellas County did not exist back then, and the beach was apart of Hillsborough county. Once Ernest purchased the island he built a house for him and his wife, which was the only one on the island, The Hilton hotel stands in its place now. Back then the only way of reaching the island was by water and most used boats, but some did swim. One time when Ernest was away a hurricane swept through the island and Leona , Tate’s wife was the only one on it. While the hurricane was doing its damage Leona was tied to a palm tree to keep herself safe. They say after this Leona ordered they move off the island, in which they did.

After the Tates sold the island it was left alone for several years. It was not touched until a bridge was built to it, so the people inland could reach the beach, in 1917. After the bridge was built thousands of landowners and tourists came in and began the legacy of the Clearwater beach we know today.


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