Clearwater Marine Aquarium


by Lizzie Long


   The jumping dolphins, spooky sharks, quiet sting rays, and furry otters are some of the many wonderful sites to see at this aquarium. Clearwater Marine Aquarium isn’t only a showroom; it is also a rehabilitation and animal hospital. Their goal with their sea creatures is the three R’s. Not reduce, reuse, and recycle but Rescue, Rehabilitate, and Release.   


-The old Clearwater Marine Aquarium

    Clearwater Marine Aquarium was built in 1972 and was converted from an abandoned water sewage plant. It was founded and recreated by a group of volunteers and their leader, Dennis Kellenberg, who was a marine biologist. The original aquarium is located by Clearwater Beach in Island Estates. Hoping for a larger exhibit, the Clearwater Marine Science Center was donated money from the city of Clearwater to create a marine biology learning center. As the company grew and they rescued their first animal (which was the dolphin Sunset Sam) they changed their name to Clearwater Marine Aquarium.


-CMA’s future plans

    Clearwater Marine Aquarium (picture on the left) is the original aquarium and is going to be re-named to Clearwater Marine Hospital. The picture on the right is then going to be called Clearwater Marine Aquarium and is going to be a second showroom location in downtown Clearwater taking the place of city hall. To fulfill these projects is going to cost a lot of money and preparation time.


-Benefits of the future plans

·      Strengthens the city and business

·      Inspires family activity

·      Excites, educates, and informs visitors

·      Protects the environment


-Things to do at the aquarium

The aquarium offers many different programs and activities. They have boat tours, animal interactions, behind the scene tours, kayak adventures, summer camp, etc.

-If you plan on visiting you should know…

·      They are open from 9am to 6pm every day

·      Kid tickets cost $9.95, adult tickets cost $14.95, senior tickets cost $10.95

·      When watching dolphin shows you might get splashed



-Dolphin Tale

    Dolphin tale is a 2011 family movie based on Winter the dolphin’s true story. Winter lost her tail after becoming entangled with a crab trap rope. She was found by a fisherman and he and a little boy called Clearwater Marine Aquarium and they came out and brought her back to the hospital/aquarium. Winter’s tail had to be amputated and they gave her a prosthetic one. This movie shows how a little boy and a dolphin bond as he is helping her.


*information resources:






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